The bysort command has the following syntax:
bysort varlist1 (varlist2): stata_cmd
Stata orders the data according to varlist1 and varlist2, but the stata_cmd only acts upon the values in varlist1. This is a handy way to make sure that your ordering involves multiple variables, but Stata will only perform the command on the first set of variables.
First, we want to make sure we eliminate the repeated deaths from Patient 8. We can do this using the bysort command and summing the values of Death. Since Death == 1, we can sum up the total Deaths a patient experiences and drop those values that are greater than 1—because a patient can only die once.
***** Identify patients with repated death events.
bysort id site (month death): gen byte repeat_deaths = sum(death==1)
drop if repeat_deaths > 1
The alternative methods use the sort command:
* Alternative Method 1:
by id site (month death), sort: gen byte repeat_deaths = sum(death==1)
drop if repeat_deaths > 1
* Alternative Method 2:
sort id site (month death)
by id site (month death): gen byte repeat_deaths = sum(death ==1)
drop if repeat_deaths > 1