
Communicating data effectively with data visualizations: Part 26 (COVID-19 choropleth)


Power BI is a useful tool that allows you to build dashboards and data visuals. One ability that makes Power BI unique is its mapping feature. Although there are pre-built map functions in Power BI, better and easier applications are available through their AppSource store. This tutorial will go over how to create a choropleth of the most recent COVID-19 pandemic using the incidence rate (dated June 21, 2020) for the United States (US) using Power BI and the Drilldown Choropleth application.



You will need to download two types of data: (1) COVID-19 incidence rate for each county in the United States (You can download the Excel file from this Dropbox link) and (2) Shape files for the United States. Fortunately, there are many sources of shape files for the United States, and I have made one available using the Albers USA projection, which has the state of Alaska and Hawaii in the lower left corner of the map. You can use the link to the map shape file here. Data for the shape files comes from the US Census. [I downloaded the ZIP file and converted the SHP files to TopoJSON using the following conversion tool (] The COVID-19 data contains US county codes called the Federal Information Processing Standard Publication (FIPS), a 5-digit code that identifies counties. Incidence rate is defined as the number of confirmed cases per 100,000 persons.

Albers US projection


For this tutorial, you will need to have Power BI installed on your desktop to re-create this choropleth.


Step 1. Get the data

When you start Power BI, you will see a start screen that allows you to select the data you need. Since the COVID-19 incidence rates for the US data are saved as an Excel file, you will need to select Excel as the data type and then connect to the data.

After clicking “Connect,” the Navigator will open. Select Sheet 1 containing the data. Notice that there are two variables (FIPS1 and FIPS). These are the data that will be used to pair the incidence rate to the US county code. The FIPS code has a “0” in front of some of the county code (e.g., 05001) for a total of 5 digits. However, notice that these are in numeric format so the preceding “0” is missing. To remedy this, we need transform the data. Make sure to select “Transform Data” from the Navigator screen.

After selection “Transform,” you will need to change the FIPS variable from numeric to text.

You will be asked to either “Replace” or “Add New Step;” make sure that you select “Replace.” This will replace the numeric data to text, which is what we want for the FIPS variable. Check the data after you do this; notice that the “0” is now preceding values that are less than 5 digits. (FIPS code is a 5-digit county code.) After the data has been transformed, select “Close & Apply” to finalize the data. This will load the data into Power BI, which you will use to build the choropleth.


Step 2. Download and Install “Drilldown Choropleth” app

Power BI allows you to download apps from the AppSource store. Click on the “…” and select “Get more visuals.” This will open the AppSource store where you can type the name of the app you want.

Step 3. Enter data into the Drilldown Choropleth app

After you install the Drilldown Choropleth, an icon will appear in your Visualization panel. Click on this icon (Drilldown Choropleth); this will open up options in the Visualization panel. There are two important fields (“Location” and “Values”). Click and drag the FIPS variable into the “Location” field and the Incidence_Rate variable into the “Values” field.

Next, click on the Paint roll icon to open the Drilldown Choropleth options. Expand the “Shape” option to change the “Projection” to “albersUSA” and then enter the link to the TopoJSON shape file for the United States counties. The TopoJSON link is here:



After entering the projection type and the TopoJSON link, you can make changes to the color of the choropleth. Since this is a choropleth, you will need to enter values for the Minimum, Center, and Maximum colors. This will generate a gradient where the darker colors reflect high incidence rates and the lighter colors reflect low incidence rates of COVID-19.

Finally, you can change the size of the visual and save it. Since there are a lot of data being processed, updating the choropleth will take a few minutes. With a little patience, you will generate a suitable choropleth of the COVID-19 incidence across US counties for June 21, 2020.


Power BI allows us to create visually spectacular choropleths. Additionally, it allows us to create choropleths that are interactive. You can hover over each shape and see the incidence rate per county. However, there are limitations. Inserting a legend to describe what the colors represent is not easily possible (I was unable to solve this problem). There are roundabout ways to get the legend inserted into this choropleth, but it will require additional software (as far as I know). There is potential for the Drilldown Choropleth app to improve by adding an easy way to include functionalities for legends and labels. Despite this limitation, Power BI allows us to create these choropleths without having to resort to more complex programming in R or Python.

Files used in this tutorial are available here.


US Census Cartographic files (link:

COVID-19 data come from the Johns Hopkins GitHub site (link:


Developing choropleths using the United States Veterans Integrated System Network (VISN) shapefiles


When I want to present VISN-level data, I consider using choropleths because they are visually appealing and provide a good reference to other VISNs. Choropleths are maps that uses polygons or shapes that are shaded according to a metric such that the color indicates the intensity of that metric. For instance, if you wanted to compare population density across different states, you can use a choropleth to illustrate this difference.

An example of a choropleth comes from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that illustrates the prevalence of obesity by state. The legend tells us the prevalence of obesity at each state and the colors denote the level of the prevalence. The cranberry color denotes an obesity prevalence of 35% or greater whereas a lighter green color with dots denotes a prevalence of less than 20%. This choropleth provides a quick visual guide on the prevalence of obesity across the United States (U.S.).

Figure 1.png

Motivating example

In past reports, I have generated a choropleth using VISN-level data. Unlike the U.S. shapefile (map files with coordinates; normally with the *.shp extension), the VISN shapefile is specific to the VA and doesn’t not follow the borders of the states used in typical U.S. shapefiles.

In this example, I will provide a step by step guide on how you can generate your own VISN-level choropleth for use in reports and presentations. The files for this tutorial are available on following Dropbox link.



Step 1: Download QGIS

Download QGIS, which is a free Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software for both the Windows and Mac operating systems. Watch the following video for a step-by-step guide on downloading and using the program. The program is simple to use and does not involve any coding. After you install the software, proceed to the next step. (Contact your local IT support to have this installed on a government-owned system.)


Step 2: Download the VISN shapefiles

The VA provides shapefiles online at the following link. Download the file titled This file will contain all the necessary files that you will need to build your choropleth.


Step 3: Download VISN-level data on total population

We will need VISN-level data to join with the VISN-level shapefile in QGIS. You can download the data from the following VA public site. Go to the Population Tables and download the “All Veterans Integrated Service Networks” Excel file. It will contain data on the total population at each VISN.

With QGIS, you will need to have two types of files for the data. I recommend using a text editor (not the Windows native notepad) such as Notepad++ or Brackets. In the text editor, open the file with the data and save it as a *.csv. The reason we do this is to make sure that the data is in text format. There are certain values that you want to ensure include the “0” in front of the other numbers (e.g., “01,” “02,” “03,” etc). If you don’t include the “0” you will not be able to join the data to the shapefiles.

After you save this as a *.csv (please include the extension onto the title), then you can open a new document on Notepad++ and enter the data column format. For instance, if column 1 is in text format, then type “String” for the first column. If the second data column is in numeric format, type “Integer.” We have a total of seven columns; therefore, we need to have seven data formats. See the example below.

Step 4: Open QGIS and add the VISN shapefile layer

Click on the Layer tab > Add Layer > Add Vector Layer and browse for the VISN shapefile.

Click on Open and make sure to click Add to add the VISN shapefile onto your QGIS software workspace. You should see the following image appear.

Notice how the polygons are in the form of the VISNs instead of the states. This is an important difference between what you see with the U.S. shapefiles and the VA shapefiles.


Step 5: Add the VISN-level population data

Include the VISN-level population data by downloading it from the VA public site. However, you can also use the Dropbox link that I host with the files already formatted for QGIS here. For this exercise, it would be easier to use the files I provide in the Dropbox link since the formatting may be challenging to implement. For more discussion about the proper formatting, please watch the following video.

You add the VISN-level population data by dragging and dropping it into the Layers panel. Use the file titled “visn_population_2018.csv” and make sure to drop it into the Layers panel. QGIS will automatically recognize the data types because the “visn_population_2018.csvt” file is in the same folder as the “visn_population_2018.csv.”

Step 6: Join the data to the shapefile

Double-click the VISN shapefile in the Layers panel; this will open a new window called the Layers Properties. Click on the JOIN icon and select the data you want to join to the VISN shapefile. Make sure to select VISN for the Join and Target field. This will use the VISN number to join the data to the shapefile. After you select OK, make sure to click on Apply.

Step 7: Adding classes and color

In the Layer Properties window, select the Symbology icon, which will open the menu to add classes and change the color of the different classes. Above the column field, select the Graduated level. In the Column field, select the visn_population_2018_Total, which is the total population of the VISN. Then select Quantile in the Mode field. Change the color ramp field to a blue hue. Click apply and you should immediately see the VISN shapefile file change colors in the workspace.

Your project workspace should look like the following map.

Step 8: Adding labels

Click on the Label icon and select the Single Labels option. Select the Labels variable and then click apply. This may take a while since QGIS has to identify the polygon’s location and insert the labels. The labeling may take about 3-5 minutes because the VISN shapefiles have layers and polygons. I recommend saving this step for when you export the final image generated using the composure function of QGIS to save yourself time.

After the labeling is done, you should see the VISN labels for each polygon.


Step 9: Use the composer to finalize your choropleth

The composer is QGIS’s workspace that allows you to customize the choropleth. Select the composer and name it “VISN population” and then select the sections you want to insert into the composer using the Adds New Map to the Layout icon. Once everything is finalized, you can export this as a *.png or *.pdf file. (At this time, you may turn on the labels if you waited to add these at the very end.)

This is what the choropleth looks like after we finish composing it.

Step 10: Add a coordinate reference system (CRS)

Right now, the map is not an accurate portrayal of the United States in relation to the surface of the Earth. It should be more round at the top due to the distance from the North Pole and the fact that the Earth is a sphere. To ensure that we are accurately portraying the U.S., we need to install the appropriate coordinate reference system (CRS). To do this we need to first click on the Properties of the project and select CRS. We add the CRS from the server using the Datum Transformations window. We change both the Source and Destination CRSs and use the USA_Contiguous_Albers_Equal_Area_Conic CRS (ID = EPSG:102003).

Once the CRS is installed into our CRS database, we can select it to change the shape of the map to correctly conform to the shape of the Earth.

This is what the choropleth looks like in the project workspace.

After we add the labels and compose the final elements, the choropleth looks like the following.


Using choropleths can highlight important differences across VISNs that would be lost in a table or difficult to present in an alternative chart. Based on the population levels, VISN 22, 17, 10 and 8 have large populations of veterans receiving care at the VA. Areas where there is low prevalence of veterans are in VISN 1, 5, 9, and 15. One thing to consider is that we did not normalize the data based on a single denominator. You can play around with how you want to do that by using the U.S. census, which can be found here. As an added exercise, see if you can create something similar using the U.S. shapefiles, which are located here. Additionally, you can use multiple choropleths (small multiples) to show changes across time or another dimension. Choropleths are excellent visuals that can contribute to a narrative; using the VISN shapefiles will allow you to generate visuals that can enhance a report or presentation.



I used the following references to develop this tutorial.


Download QGIS here:


VA population data:


VISN shapefiles: