
Using inverse probability of treatment weights & Marginal structural models to handle time-varying covariates


When constructing regression models, there are two approaches to handling confounders: (1) conditional and (2) marginal approaches.(1) The conditional approach handles confounders using stratification or modeling (e.g., adding covariates to be regressed to the outcome). Whereas, the marginal approach uses weights to balance the confounders across treatment exposure levels.(1–5) In conventional regression models, the exposure is regressed to the outcome controlling for potential confounders. However, in longitudinal data, time-varying confounders can result in biased estimates of the model parameters if not properly adjusted. This gets more complicated when we have a time-varying exposure in the model to account for.

In panel data analysis or longitudinal data analysis, adjusting for time-varying exposure and time-varying confounders are critical to reducing bias. Additionally, there are time-dependent relationships between the confounders and exposure that need to be considered when adjusting for longitudinal regression models. In this article, we will focus on the marginal approach in terms of using the inverse probability of treatment weights fitted to a marginal structural model.

This article was published on RPubs with the corresponding R code using RMarkdown and can be located at this link.



In Figure 1, the time-dependent relationships between times 1 and 0 for the treatment variable are indicated by the arrows (We look at the relationships across two time points. In actual longitudinal data, there may be more than two time points to consider). Notice how the Outcome at time==0 is a confounder for the relationship between Exposure and Outcome at time==1.

Figure 1. Time-dependent relationships between the exposure and outcome variables.

Figure 1 - time-dependent relationships.png

Conventional methods to perform longitudinal data analysis such as linear mixed effects models and generalized estimating equations models are capable of handling time-varying covariates. However, in the case of a time-varying elements, the probability of treatment exposure is invariably different across time, which requires application of time-varying weights on the unit of analysis (e.g., individual subjects).

We can address this issue by applying inverse probability of treatment weights (IPTW) to the observations, which are then fitted to a marginal structural model (MSM).(4,5) IPTW are used to make the exposure at time 0 and 1 independent of the confounders that occur beforehand and allow us to generate a causal interpretation between the treatment exposure on the outcome.



IPTW are weights assigned to each observation across time conditioned on the previous exposure history, which are then multiplied to generate a single weight for a subject. Similar to conventional propensity score estimation, IPTW is generated using either a logit or probit model that regresses covariates to a treatment group (exposure) variable. With IPTW, the previous exposure history is incorporated to the propensity score estimation, which is time-varying.

Standardized weights in a longitudinal setting are estimated as

Figure 2 - sw equation.png

where A is the exposure for subject i at time t_ij (time points range starting at k = 0 to k=j). The numerator contains the probability of the observed exposure at each time point (a_ik) conditioned on the observed exposure history of the previous time point (a_ik-1) and the observed non-time varying covariates (v_i). The denominator contains the probability of the observed exposure at each time point conditioned on the observed exposure history of the previous time point (a_ik-1), the observed time-varying covariates history at the current time point (c_ik), and the non-time varying covariates (v_i).

In standardized weights, the time-varying confounders are captured in the denominator but not in the numerator. However, the non-time varying (also known as fixed-time) covariates are captured in both the numerator and denominator to stabilize the weights. Using stabilized weights is preferable to non-standardized weights, which are not discussed in this article.

Some statistical software are unable to handle time-varying weights; hence, a single weight for each individual needs to be estimated. Once the standardized weights for subject i at time t_ij are calculated, a single weight is estimated by multiplying all the standardized weights across the time points, which is then applied in a marginal structural model for subject i.

There are several key assumptions that must be made in order for IPTW methods to generate causal interpretation between the exposure and outcome (Thoemmes and colleagues provides a detailed explanation in their paper)(5):

1) No unmeasured confounding

2) Positivity

3) Correct specification of the IPTW


Given these assumptions are met, using IPTW fitted to an MSM can yield causal inference between the treatment exposure and outcome. This method is flexible enough where it can be applied to a linear mixed effects model, generalized estimating equation model, and survival model. Gerhard and colleagues used this approach (marginal structural Cox model) to estimate the treatment effects of antihypertensive therapy in a non-randomized trial.(6) Hernan and colleagues used a marginal structural Cox proportional hazard model to estimate the treatment effect of zidovudine and Pnuemocystis carinii therapy on survival of HIV-positive homosexual males in a non-randomized trial.(4)  



This article will use CRAN R program statistical software to perform the IPTW fitted to an MSM. We will use the data that was simulated using the following R commands.

#set seed to replicate results

#define sample size
n <- 2000

#define confounder c1 (gender, male==1)
male <- rbinom(n,1,0.55)

#define confounder c2 (age)
age <- exp(rnorm(n, 3, 0.5))

#define treatment at time 1
t_1 <- rbinom(n,1,0.20)

#define treatment at time 2
t_2 <- rbinom(n,1,0.20)

#define treatment at time 3
t_3 <- rbinom(n,1,0.20)

#define depression at time 1 (prevalence = number per 100000 population)
d_1 <- exp(rnorm(n, 0.001, 0.5))

#define depression at time 2 (prevalence = number per 100000 population)
d_2 <- exp(rnorm(n, 0.002, 0.5))

#define depression at time 3 (prevalence = number per 100000 population)
d_3 <- exp(rnorm(n, 0.004, 0.5))

#define tme-varying confounder v1 as a function of t1 and d1
v_1 <- (0.4*t_1 + 0.80*d_1 + rnorm(n, 0, sqrt(0.99))) + 5

#define tme-varying confounder v2 as a function of t1 and d1
v_2 <- (0.4*t_2 + 0.80*d_2 + rnorm(n, 0, sqrt(0.55))) + 5

#define tme-varying confounder v3 as a function of t1 and d1
v_3 <- (0.4*t_3 + 0.80*d_3 + rnorm(n, 0, sqrt(0.33))) + 5

#put all in a dataframe and write data to harddrive to use later in e.g. SPSS
df1 <- data.frame(male, age, v_1, v_2, v_3, t_1, t_2, t_3, d_1, d_2, d_3)

write.table(round(df1,11),"data1.csv", row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)

A little data manipulation was done to make treatment in the following period equal to 1 if the previous period was also equal to 1. In other words, E[Treatment=1, time=1 | Treatment=1, time=time-1]. Age was rounded to the nearest whole number. You can download the *CSV file here.

The dataset contains variables for id, male, age, treatment (t), outcome (d), time-varying covariate (v), and time. Exploring the dataset set, we see the structure as:

Figure 4 - dataset.png

There are 2000 individuals with three repeated measures of the t, v, and d variables. The t variable represents the Treatment exposure, which is time-varying. The v variable represents an arbitrary time-varying covariate. And the d variable is the outcome (dependent) variable, which is also time-varying. Non-time varying covariates include the age at baseline and the gender of each individual.



Generalized estimating equations (GEE) were constructed to evaluate the impact of the treatment (t) on the outcome (d) and to handle the time-varying covariate (v) in the panel dataset. Since the outcome was a continuous variable, a generalized linear Gaussian family with identity link was used. Auto-regressive (AR1) correlation structure was selected since this was a time series (panel) data; we expected the correlation to decay as the outcome values were farther away from the time of interest. 

We will need the following packages:







The following R code was used to generate the IPTW and fitted to a MSM using GEE.

# Install the required packages

#Estimate ipw weights (time-varying)
# estimate inverse probability weights (time-varying) using a logistic regression
w <- ipwtm(
  exposure = t,
  family = "binomial",
  link = "logit",
  numerator = ~ factor(male) + age,
  denominator = ~ v + factor(male) + age,
  id = id,
  data = data_long_sort)

iptw = w$ipw.weights

# Add the iptw variable onto a new dataframe = data2.
data2 <- cbind(data_long_sort, iptw)

# Plot the stabilized inverse probability weights
ipwplot(weights = data2$iptw, 
        timevar = data2$time, 
        binwidth = 0.5,
        main = "Stabilized weights", 
        xaxt = "n",
        yaxt = "n")

# confint.geeglm function (to generate 95% CI for the geeglm())
confint.geeglm <- function(object, parm, level = 0.95, ...) {
  cc <- coef(summary(object))
  mult <- qnorm((1+level)/2)
  citab <- with(,
  rownames(citab) <- rownames(cc)

# GEE model #1.1 - GEE with cluster robust SE (no IPTW)
gee.bias <- geeglm(d~t + time + factor(male) + age + cluster(id),
confint.geeglm(gee.bias, level=0.95)

# GEE model #2 - IPTW fitted to MSM with clustered robust SE
gee.iptw <- geeglm(d~t + time + factor(male) + age + cluster(id),
confint.geeglm(gee.iptw, level=0.95)

We compared the findings from the convention GEE model without IPTW to the GEE model incorporating IPTW (Table). The differences are significant. In the standard GEE model, the treatment (t) is associated with a reduction in the outcome (d) by 0.012 units with a 95% confidence interval (CI) of -0.020 and 0.045, which is not statistically significant. Conversely, in the GEE model incorporating IPTW, the treatment (t) is associated with a reduction in the outcome (d) by 0.071 units with a 95% CI of -0.104 and -0.038, which is statistically significant. 

Figure 5 - model comparisons.png



Based on our findings, the IPTW fitted to a MSM (GEE model) resulted in a statistically significant reduction in the treatment on the outcome that would not have otherwise been captured in the conventional GEE model. Given that there are time-varying covariates (especially with the treatment variable), IPTW fitted to a MSM may yield important differences that would otherwise be unidentified with conventional methods. However, it is critical that all assumptions regarding the IPTW method are satisfied prior to accepting the model’s results.



1. Williamson T, Ravani P. Marginal structural models in clinical research: when and how to use them? Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2017 Apr 1;32(suppl_2):ii84–90.

2. Robins JM, Hernán MA, Brumback B. Marginal structural models and causal inference in epidemiology. Epidemiol Camb Mass. 2000 Sep;11(5):550–60.

3. Hernán MA, Hernández-Díaz S, Robins JM. A structural approach to selection bias. Epidemiol Camb Mass. 2004 Sep;15(5):615–25.

4. Hernán MA, Brumback B, Robins JM. Marginal Structural Models to Estimate the Joint Causal Effect of Nonrandomized Treatments. J Am Stat Assoc. 2001 Jun 1;96(454):440–8.

5. Thoemmes F, Ong AD. A Primer on Inverse Probability of Treatment Weighting and Marginal Structural Models. Emerg Adulthood. 2016 Feb 1;4(1):40–59.

6. Gerhard T, Delaney JA, Cooper-DeHoff RM, Shuster J, Brumback BA, Johnson JA, et al. Comparing marginal structural models to standard methods for estimating treatment effects of antihypertensive combination therapy. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2012 Aug 6;12:119.

Estimating marginal effects using Stata Part 1 – Linear models


Regression models provide unique opportunities to examine the impact of certain predictors on a specific outcome. These predictors’ effects are usually isolated using the model coefficients adjusting for all other predictors or covariates. A simple linear regression model with a single predictor x_i is represented as


where y_i denotes the outcome (dependent) variable for subject i, beta0 denotes the intercept, beta1 is the model coefficient that denotes the change in y due to a 1-unit change in x, and epsilon_i is the error term for subject i.

A 1-unit increase in x is associated with some change in the outcome y. This finding may explain predictor variable x’s impact on outcome variable y, but it doesn’t not tell us the impact of a representative or prototypical case.

The marginal effect allows us to examine the impact of variable x on outcome y for representative or prototypical cases. For example, Stata’s margins command can tell us the marginal effect of body mass index (BMI) between a 50-year old versus a 25-year old subject.

There are three types of marginal effects of interest:

1.       Marginal effect at the means (MEM)

2.       Average marginal effect (AME)

3.       Marginal effect at representative values (MER)

Each of these marginal effects have unique interpretations that will impact how you examine the regression results. (We will focus on the first two, since the third one is an extension of the AME.) The objective of this tutorial is to review these marginal effects and understand their interpretations through examples using Stata.



We will use the Second National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) data from the 1980s, which can be found in Stata’s library using the following command:


Table 1 summarizes the characteristics of the NHANES population.




Adjusted prediction for a regression model provides the expected value of an outcome y conditioned on x assuming all other things are equal. In other words, this is the effect of the predictor variable x regressed to outcome variable y adjusting or controlling for other covariates. Therefore, if you were comparing the effect of a 1-unit increase in age to the BMI, then you could compare this across all patients who are equally White, Black, or Others.

Example 1

A simple linear regression model can capture the incremental effect of age on body mass index. For example, the impact of age on body mass index (BMI) can be represented as a linear regression:


where BMI_1  is the body mass index for individual i, beta0 denotes the intercept (or BMI when AGE=0), beta1 denotes the change in BMI for each 1-unit increase in Age for individual i, and episilon_i denotes the error term for individual i. (The unit of BMI is kg/m^2).

The Stata command to perform a simple linear regression:

regress bmi age

The corresponding regression output is:


In this regression output example, the predictor of interest is AGE. The _cons parameter denotes the coefficient beta0 otherwise known as the intercept; therefore, a subject with AGE = 0 has a BMI that is 23.2 kg/m^2. (Although this is unrealistic, we will ignore this for now.) The impact AGE has on the BMI is denoted by the slope parameter beta1, which is the change in BMI due to a 1-unit change in Age. In this example, the a 1-unit increase in Age is associated with a 0.05 kg/m^2 increase in BMI.

If we wanted to know the difference in BMI between a 50-year old and 25-year old, we need to estimate the adjusted prediction, which estimates the difference in the outcome based on some user-defined values for the x variables.

To estimate the adjusted predicted BMI for a 50-year old, we used the following equation:


which is 25.7 kg/m^2. We can do this using the following Stata command:

di _b[_cons] + 50*_b[age]

Similarly, we can estimate the adjusted predicted BMI for a 25-year old:


which is 24.4 kg/m^2.

The difference between these two is:

25.655896 - 24.433991 = 1.2 kg/m^2. 

Therefore, the difference in BMI between a 50-year old and 25-year old is on average 1.2 kg/m^2. This seems like a tedious process, but let’s see how we can make this exercise simpler using Stata’s margins command.

We can use Stata’s margins command to estimate the adjusted predicted BMI for a 50-year old and 25-year old:

margins, at(age=(25 50))

Figure 2. Stata’s margins command output for adjusted prediction of BMI for a 50-year old and 25-year old.


Example 2

We use a linear regression with other independent variables to illustrate the complexity of having other covariates adjusted in the model.

The regression model has the structure:


where  is the body mass index for individual i, beta0 is the intercept (or BMI when AGE=0), beta1 is the change in BMI for each 1-unit increase in Age for individual i, beta2 denotes the change in BMI for a female relative to a male, beta3 denotes the change in BMI due to contrasts in race categories (White, Black, and Other), and  is the error term for individual i. (The unit of BMI is kg/m^2).

For this example, RACE will be included into the regression model as a dummy variable using the following Stata command:

regress bmi age i.race

The corresponding regression output is:


The following are interpretations of the regression output.

A 1-unit increase in age is associated with a BMI increase of 0.05 kg/m^2 adjusting for race and sex or all things being equal.

Blacks are associated with a BMI increase of 1.4 kg/m^2 adjusting for age and sex compared to Whites.

Others are associated with a BMI decrease of 1.2 kg/m^2 adjusting for age and sex compared to Whites.

Females are associated with a BMI increase of 0.03 kg/m^2 adjusting for age and race.

If we wanted to know the adjusted prediction for a 50-year old and 25-year old, we can use the margins command:

margins, at(age=(25 50)) atmeans vsquish

The output is similar to Example 1 but there are some differences.


The atmeans option captures the “average” sample covariates. In our example, the mean proportion of females is 0.525, males is 0.475, Whites is 0.876, Blacks is 0.105, and Others is 0.019. Therefore, the adjusted predictions for 50-year old and 25-year old’s BMI is conditioned on the “average” values of the covariates in the model. This may not make sense because an individual subject can’t be 0.525 female and 0.475 male. Fortunately, we have other ways to address this with the marginal effect.



Marginal effect with the margins command generates the change in the conditional mean of outcome y with respect to a single predictor variable x. In other words, this is the partial effect of x on the outcome y for some representative or prototypical case. Usually this is obtained by performing a first-order derivative of the regression expression:


where the partial effect of the expected value of y condition on x is the first order derivative of the expected value of y condition on x with respect to x.

The representative or prototypical case can be the mean, observed, or a user defined case.



MEM is the partial effect of on the dependent variable (y) conditioned on a regressor (x) after setting all the other covariates (w) at their means. In other words, MEM is the difference in x’s effect on y when all other covariates (RACE and FEMALE) are at their mean.

Let’s revisit the linear regression model but with the dummy variables included:


In the output the beta1 = 0.0493881.

Getting the partial effect with respect to Age at the means for the other covariates, we use the following command:

regress bmi age i.race
margins, dydx(age) atmeans vsquish

Interpretation: For a subject who is average on all characteristics, the marginal change of a 1-unit increase in age is a 0.049 increase in the BMI.

We can also look at the MEM at different ages (e.g., 25 and 50 years):

margins, dydx(age) at(age=(25 50)) atmeans vsquish

This command performs the MEM for 25- and 50-year old subjects with their covariates set at the population mean. We interpret the results as the effect of age at different values of age at the average values of the other covariates.

The MEM should be:


The effect of age at 25 and 50 years old is an increase of 0.05 years. Notice that the MEM for 25- and 50-year olds are the same (MEM = 0.0493881). This is because the model is a linear regression. For every incremental increase in age, the incremental increase in the BMI is 0.0493881 given the other covariates are set at the mean.

To illustrate, we can manually perform this operation using the information above. Recall that the linear regression model with the dummy variables is represented as:


BMI for a 25-year old subject at the mean = intercept + 25*(beta1) + (mean of Black)*(beta2) + (mean of Other)*(beta3) + (mean of Female)*(beta4) = 24.42243 kg/m^2.

BMI for a 25-year old subject at the mean = 23.0528 + 25*(0.0493881) + .1049174*(1.382849) + .0193218*(-1.2243) + .5251667*(.025702) = 24.42243 kg/m^2, which is the same as the value presented in the adjusted prediction output.

Why are these the same? The linear regression is predictable in terms of the slope coefficients. Therefore, an incremental increase in predictor variable x will have the same incremental marginal increase in outcome variable y. When you apply the MEM to non-linear models, the slopes are no longer linear and will change based on varying levels of the continuous predictor x.



Unlike the MEM the average marginal effect (AME) doesn’t use the mean for the covariates when estimating the partial effect of the predictor variable x on the outcome variable y. Rather, the AME estimates the partial effect of the variable x on the outcome variable y for using the observed values for the covariates and then the average of that partial effect is estimated. In other words, the partial derivative is estimated with respect to x using the observed values for the other covariates (RACE and FEMALE), and then the average of that first-order derivative are averaged over the entire population to yield the AME. This is represented as:

ame figure.png

where the partial derivative of the estimated value of the outcome variable y with respect to x is conditioned on the values of covariates (w) for subject i over the entire population (N) and multiplied by beta_k (or the parameters of interest) .

Getting the partial effect with respect to Age at the observed values for the other covariates, we use the following command:

regress bmi age i.race

margins, dydx(age) asobserved vsquish

Interpretation: The average marginal effect of a 1-unit increase in age is a 0.049 increase in the BMI.

We can also look at the AME at different ages (e.g., 25 and 50 years):

margins, dydx(age) at(age=(25 50)) asobserved vsquish

This command performs the MEM for 25- and 50-year old subjects with their covariates set at the observed values. We interpret the results as the effect of age at different values of age at the observed values of the other covariates.

The AME should be:


The effect of age at 25 and 50 years old is an increase of 0.05 years. Notice that the AME for 25- and 50-year olds are the same (MEM = 0.0493881). Similar to the MEM, this is because the model is a linear regression. For every incremental increase in age, the incremental increase in the BMI is 0.0493881 given the other covariates are set at the observed values.



We see that the MEM and AME are exactly the same because of the linear model. The marginal effect of an increase in 1-unit of age is an increase in 0.05 kg/m^2 of the BMI. In the next part, non-linear models will be used to demonstrate that the MEM and AME are not equal.



I used the following websites to help create this tutorial:


I also used the following paper by Richard Williams:

Using the margins command to estimate and interpret adjusted predictions and marginal effects. The Stata Journal. 2012;12(2):308-331.

Generating Survival Curves from Study Data: An Application for Markov Models (Part 2 of 2)


In a previous blog, we provided instructions on how to generate the Weibull curve parameters (λ and γ) from an existing Kaplan-Meier curve. The Weibull parameters will allow you to generate survival curves for cost-effectiveness analysis. In the second part of this tutorial, we will take you through the process of incorporating these Weibull parameters to simulate survival using a simple three-state Markov model. Finally, we’ll show how to extrapolate the survival curve to go beyond the time frame of the Kaplan-Meier curve so that you can perform cost-effectiveness analysis across a lifetime horizon.

In this tutorial, I will:

  • Describe how to incorporate the Weibull parameters into a Markov model

  • Compare the survival probability of the Markov model to the reference Kaplan-Meier curve to validate the method and catch any errors

  • Extrapolate the survival curve across a lifetime horizon

Link to the Markov model used in this tutorial can be found here.



We will use a three-state Markov model to illustrate how to incorporate the Weibull parameters and generate a survival curve (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Markov model.

Figure 1a.png

To simulate a Markov model using 40-time units (e.g., months), you will need to think about the different transition probabilities. Figure 2 lists the different transition probabilities and their calculations. We made the assumption that the transition from the Healthy state to the Sick state was 20% across all time points.


Figure 2. Transition probabilities for all health states and associated calculations.

Figure 2a.png

The variable pDeath(t) denotes the probability of mortality as a function of time. Since we have the lambda (λ=0.002433593) and gamma (γ=1.722273465) Weibull parameters, we can generate the Weibull curve using Excel. Figure 3 illustrates how I set up the Markov model in Excel. I used the following equation to estimate the pDeath(t):

equation 2.png

where t_i  is some time point at i. This expression can be written in Excel as (assuming T=1 and T+1 = 2):

= 1 – EXP(lambda*(T^gamma – (T+1)^gamma))

Figure 3. Calculating the probability of mortality as a function of time in Excel.

Figure 3a.png

You can estimate the probability of survival as a function of time S(t) by subtracting pDeath(t) from 1. Once you have these values, you can compare how well your Markov model was able to simulate the survival compared to the observed Kaplan-Meier curve (Figure 4).


Figure 4. Survival curve comparison between the Markov model and Kaplan-Meier curve.

Once we are comfortable with the simulated survival curve, we can extrapolate the survival probability beyond the limits of the Kaplan-Meier curve. To do this, we will need to go beyond the reference Kaplan-Meier’s time period of 40 months. In Figure 5, I extended the time cycle (denoted as Time) from 40 to 100 (truncated at 59 months).


Figure 5 illustrates the Weibull distribution extrapolated out to an entire cohort’s life time in the Markov model (Figure 5 is truncated at 59 months to fit this into the tutorial).

Figure 5a.png

Figure 6 provides an illustration of the lifetime survival of the cohort after extrapolating the time period from 40 months to 100 months. The survival curve does a relative good job of modeling the Kaplan-Meier curve. As the time period extends beyond 40 months, the Weibull curve will exponentially reach a point where all subjects will enter the Death state. This is reflected in the flat part of the Weibull curve at the late part of the time period.

Figure 6. Lifetime survival of the cohort using the Weibull extrapolation.



After extrapolating the survival curve beyond the reference Kaplan-Meier curve limit of 40 months, you can estimate the lifetime horizon for a cohort of patients using a Markov model. This method is very useful when simulating chronic diseases. However, it is always good practice to calibrate your survival curves with the most recent data on the population of interest.

The U.S. National Center for Health Statistics has life tables that you can use to estimate the life expectancy of the general population, which you can compare to your simulated cohort. Moreover, if you want to compare your simulated cohort’s survival performance to a reference specific to your chronic disease cohort, you can search the literature for previously published registry data or epidemiology studies. Using existing studies as a reference will allow you to make adjustments to your survival curves that will give them credibility and validation to your cost-effectiveness analysis.



Using the Kaplan-Meier curves from published sources can help you to generate your own time-varying survival curves for use in a Markov model. Using the Hoyle and Henley’s Excel template to generate the survival probabilities, which are then used in an R script to generate the lambda and gamma parameters, provides a powerful tool to integrate Weibull parameters into a Markov model. Moreover, we can take advantage of the Weibull distribution to extrapolate the survival probability over the cohort’s lifetime giving us the ability to model lifetime horizons.

The Excel template developed by Hoyle and Henley generates other parameters that can be used in probabilistic sensitivity analysis like the Cholesky decomposition matrix, which will be discuss in a later blog.



Location of Excel spreadsheet developed by Hoyle and Henley (Update 02/17/2019: I learned that Martin Hoyle is not hosting this on his Exeter site due to a recent change in his academic appointment. For those interested in getting access to the Excel spreadsheet used in this blog, please download it at this link).

Location of the Markov model used in this exercise is available in the following link:

Symmetry Solutions. “Engauge Digitizer—Convert Images into Useable Data.” Available at the following url:

Engauge Digitizer: Mark Mitchell, Baurzhan Muftakhidinov and Tobias Winchen et al, "Engauge Digitizer Software." Webpage: [Last Accessed: February 3, 2018].

  1. Hoyle MW, Henley W. Improved curve fits to summary survival data: application to economic evaluation of health technologies. BMC Med Res Methodol 2011;11:139.



I want to thank Solomon J. Lubinga for helping me with my first attempt to use Weibull curves in a cost-effectiveness analysis. His deep understanding and patient tutelage are characteristics that I aspire to. I also want to thank Elizabeth D. Brouwer for her comments and edits, which have improved the readability and flow of this blog. Additionally, I want to thank my doctoral dissertation chair, Beth Devine, for her edits and mentorship.

Generating Survival Curves from Study Data: An Application for Markov Models (Part 1 of 2)


In cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA), a life-time horizon is commonly used to simulate a chronic disease. Data for mortality are normally derived from survival curves or Kaplan-Meier curves published in clinical trials. However, these Kaplan-Meier curves may only provide survival data up to a few months to a few years. Extrapolation to a lifetime horizon is possible using a series of methods based on parametric survival models (e.g., Weibull, exponential); but performing these projections can be challenging without the appropriate data and software.

This blog provides a practical, step-by-step tutorial to estimate a parameter method (Weibull) from a survival function for use in CEA models. Specifically, I will describe how to:

  • Capture the coordinates of a published Kaplan-Meier curve and export the results into a *.CSV file

  • Estimate the survival function based on the coordinates from the previous step using a pre-built template

  • Generate a Weibull curve that closely resembles the survival function and whose parameters can be easily incorporated into a simple three-state Markov model



We will use an example dataset from Stata’s data library. (You can use any published Kaplan-Meier curve. I use Stata's data library for convenience.) Open Stata and enter the following in the command line:

sts graph, by(drug) risktable

You should get a Kaplan-Meier curve that illustrates the survival probability of two different drugs (Figure 1). The Y-axis denotes the survival probability and the X-axis denotes the time in months. Below the figure is the number at risk for the two drug comparators. We will need this to generate our Weibull curves. (If possible, find a Kaplan-Meier curve with the number at risk. It will make the Weibull curve generation easier.) Alternative methods exist to use Kaplan-Meier curves without the number at risk, but they will not be discussed in this tutorial.

Figure 1. Kaplan-Meier curve.

Figure 1.png

You will need to download the “Engauge Digitizer” application to convert this Kaplan-Meier curve into a *.CSV file with the appropriate data points. This will help you to develop an accurate survival curve based on the Kaplan-Meier curve. You can download the “Engauge Digitizer” application here:

After you download “Engauge Digitizer,” open it and import the Kaplan-Meier file. Your interface should look like the following:

Figure 2. Engauge Digitizer interface.

Figure 2.png

The right panel guides you in digitizing your Kaplan-Meier figure. Follow this guide carefully. I will not go into how to use “Engauge Digitizer;” however a YouTube video tutorial to use Engauge Digitizer was developed by Symmetry Solutions and is available here.

We will use the top Kaplan-Meier curve (which is highlighted with blue crosshairs in Figure 3) to generate our Weibull curves.

Figure 3. Select the top curve to digitize.

Figure 3.png

After you digitize the figure, you will export the data as a *.CSV file. The *.CSV file should have two columns corresponding to the X- and Y-axes of the Kaplan-Meier figure. Figure 4 has the X values end at row 20 to fit onto the page, but this extends till the end of the Kaplan-Meier time period, which is 40.

Figure 4. *.CSV file generated from the Kaplan-Meier curve (truncated to fit onto this page).

Figure 4.png

I usually superimpose the “Engauge Digitizer” results with the actual Kaplan-Meier figure to prove to myself (and others) that the curves are exactly the same (Figure 5). This is a good practice to convince yourself that your digitized data properly reflects the Kaplan-Meier curve from the study.

Figure 5. Kaplan-Meier curve superimposed on top of the Engauge Digitizer curve.

Figure 5.png

Now, that we have the digitized version of the Kaplan-Meier, we need to format the data to import into the Weibull curve generator. Hoyle and Henley wrote a paper that explains their methods for using the results from the digitizer to generate Weibull curves.[1] We will use the Excel template they developed in order to generate the relevant Weibull curve parameters. (The link to the Excel template is provided at the end of this tutorial.)

I always format the data to match the Excel template developed by Hoyle and Henley. The blue box indicates the number at risk at the time points denoted by Figure 1 and the red box highlights the evenly spaced time intervals that I estimated (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Setting up your data using the template from Hoyle and Henley.

Figure 6.png

In order to find the survival probability at each “Start time” listed in the Excel template by Hoyle and Henley, linear interpolation is used. [You can use other methods to estimate the survival probability between each time points given the data on Figure 3 (e.g., last observation carried forward); however, I prefer to use linear interpolation.] In Figure 7, the survival probabilities (Y) correspond to a time (X) that was generated by the digitizer. Now, we want to find the Y value corresponding to the X values on the Excel template.

Figure 7. Generating the Y-values using linear interpolation.

Figure 7.png

Figure 8 illustrates how we apply the linear interpolation to estimate the Y value that corresponds with the X values from the Excel template developed by Hoyle and Henley. For example, if you were interested in finding the Y value at X = 10, the you would need to input the following into the linear interpolation equation using the following expression:

equation 1a.png

This yields a Y value of 0.866993, which is approximately 0.87.

Figure 8. Y values are generated using linear interpolation.

Figure 8.png

After generating the Y values corresponding to the Start time from Figure 5, you can enter them into the Excel template by Hoyle and Henley (Figure 9). Figure 9 illustrates the inputted survival probabilities into the Excel template.

Figure 9. Survival probabilities are entered after estimating them from linear interpolation.

Figure 9.png

After the “Empirical survival probability S(t)” is populated, you will need to go to the “R Data” worksheet in the Excel template and save this data as a *.CSV file. In this example, I saved the data as “example_data.csv” (Figure 10).

Figure 10. Data is saved as “example_data.csv.”

Figure 10.png

Then I used the following R code to estimate the Weibull parameters. This R code is located in the “Curve fitting ‘R’ code” in the Excel templated developed by Hoyle and Henley. (I modified the R code written by Hoyle and Henley to allow for a *.CSV file import.)


#    Step 4.   Update directory name and text file name in line below   
setwd("insert the folder path where the data is stored")
data<- read.csv("example_data.csv")

times_start <-c(  rep(start_time_censor, n_censors), rep(start_time_event, n_events) )  
times_end <-c(  rep(end_time_censor, n_censors), rep(end_time_event, n_events)  )   

#  adding times for patients at risk at last time point 
######code does not apply because 0 at risk at last time point  
######code does not apply because 0 at risk at last time point  

#   Step 5. choose one of these function forms   (WEIBULL was chosen for the example)
model <- survreg(Surv(times_start, times_end, type="interval2")~1, dist="exponential")   # Exponential function, interval censoring 
model <- survreg(Surv(times_start, times_end, type="interval2")~1, dist="weibull")   # Weibull function, interval censoring 
model <- survreg(Surv(times_start, times_end, type="interval2")~1, dist="logistic")   # Logistic function, interval censoring   
model <- survreg(Surv(times_start, times_end, type="interval2")~1, dist="lognormal")   # Lognormal function, interval censoring 
model <- survreg(Surv(times_start, times_end, type="interval2")~1, dist="loglogistic")   # Loglogistic function, interval censoring 

#   Compare AIC values  
n_patients <- sum(n_events) +  sum(n_censors)   
-2*summary(model)$loglik[1] + 1*2   #  AIC for exponential distribution 
-2*summary(model)$loglik[1] + 1*log(n_patients)   #  BIC exponential    
-2*summary(model)$loglik[1] + 2*2   #  AIC for 2-parameter distributions    
-2*summary(model)$loglik[1] + 2*log(n_patients)   #  BIC for 2-parameter distributions  

intercept <- summary(model)$table[1]   # intercept parameter    
log_scale <- summary(model)$table[2]   # log scale parameter    

#  output for the example of the Weibull distribution   
lambda <- 1/ (exp(intercept))^ (1/exp(log_scale))    # l for Weibull, where S(t) = exp(-lt^g)   
gamma <- 1/exp(log_scale)     # g for Weibull, where S(t) = exp(-lt^g)  
(1/lambda)^(1/gamma) * gamma(1+1/gamma)    # mean time for Weibull distrubtion  

#  For the Probabilistic Sensitivity Analysis, we need the Cholesky matrix, which captures the variance and covariance of parameters    
t(chol(summary(model)$var))    #  Cholesky matrix   

#  Simulate variability of mean for Weibull 

simulations <- 10000  # number of simulations for standard deviation of mean    
sim_parameters <- mvrnorm(n=simulations, summary(model)$table[,1],  summary(model)$var  )   # simulates simulations from multivariate normal    
intercepts <- sim_parameters[,1]   # intercept parameters   
log_scales <- sim_parameters[,2]   # log scale parameters   
lambdas <- 1/ (exp(intercepts))^ (1/exp(log_scales))    # l for Weibull, where S(t) = exp(-lt^g)    
gammas <- 1/exp(log_scales)     # g for Weibull, where S(t) = exp(-lt^g)    
means <- (1/lambdas)^(1/gammas) * gamma(1+1/gammas)    # mean times for Weibull distrubtion 
sd(means)   # standard deviation of mean survival   

# consider adding this (from Arman Oct 2016) to plot KM 
km <- survfit(Surv(times_start, times_end, type="interval2")~ 1)    
plot(km, xmax=600, xlab="Time (Days)", ylab="Survival Probability") 

There are several elements generated by the above R code that you need to record, including the intercept and log-scale:  

> intercept
[1] 3.494443
> log_scale
[1] -0.5436452

Once you have this, input them into the Excel template sheet titled “Number events & censored,” which is the same sheet you used to generate the survival probabilities after entering the data from the “Engauge Digitizer.” Figure 11 illustrates where these parameters are entered (red square).

Figure 11. Enter the intercept and log scale parameters into the Excel template developed by Hoyle and Henley.

Figure 11.png

You can check the fit of the Weibull curve to the observed Kaplan-Meier curve in the tab “Kaplan-Meier.” Figure 12 illustrates the Weibull fit’s approximation of the observed Kaplan-Meier curve.

Figure 12. Weibull fit (red curve) of the observed Kaplan-Meier curve (blue line).

Figure 12.png

From Figure 11, we also have the lambda (λ=0.002433593) and gamma (γ=1.722273465) parameters which we’ll use to simulate survival using a Markov model.



In the next blog, we will discuss how to use the Weibull parameters to generate a survival curve using a Markov model. Additionally, we will learn how to extrapolate the survival curve beyond the time period used to generate the Weibull parameters for cost-effectiveness studies that use a lifetime horizon.



Location of Excel spreadsheet developed by Hoyle and Henley (Update 02/17/2019: I learned that Martin Hoyle is not hosting this on his Exeter site due to a recent change in his academic appointment. For those interested in getting access to the Excel spreadsheet used in this blog, please download it at this link).

Update: 12 January 2023 - The old link to the YouTube video on Engauge was broken. A new link was identified that provided the same content on how to use Engauge.

Location of the Markov model used in this exercise is available in the following link:

Design with Greg. “Engauge: A Free Tool for Engineering that pairs great with Excel.” Available at the following url:

Engauge Digitizer: Mark Mitchell, Baurzhan Muftakhidinov and Tobias Winchen et al, "Engauge Digitizer Software." Webpage: [Last Accessed: February 3, 2018].

  1. Hoyle MW, Henley W. Improved curve fits to summary survival data: application to economic evaluation of health technologies. BMC Med Res Methodol 2011;11:139.



I want to thank Solomon J. Lubinga for helping me with my first attempt to use Weibull curves in a cost-effectiveness analysis. His deep understanding and patient tutelage are characteristics that I aspire to. I also want to thank Elizabeth D. Brouwer for her comments and edits, which have improved the readability and flow of this blog. Additionally, I want to thank my doctoral dissertation chair, Beth Devine, for her edits and mentorship.

Empirical Bayes estimates

Recently, my classmate asked me how to perform empirical Bayesian shrinkage, a form of estimation that tries to adjust your sample mean to the grand mean by incorporating more variables. I haven't done this as part of my regular work so I had to review my past class notes.

I forgot how useful empirical Bayes estimates were and wanted to document what I discovered. In my research, I discovered an informative guide by David Robinson who used baseball statistics as a motivating example to explain empirical Bayesian shrinkage on his blog.

In addition, Nicolas Lartillot wrote a great summary of empirical Bayes estimation and Stein's paradox on his blog.