
Propensity score matching in R

I wrote an introductory tutorial on how to perform propensity score matching using R, which has been posted on my RPubs site (link).

Propensity score matching is a statistical approach to balancing the observed covariates between groups. In observational studies, this method has the potential to mitigate potential confounding and allow us to make causal interpretations. However, there are a lot of approaches and nuances. This intorductory tutorial presents the basics of propensity score methods and how we can use these in our conventional analyses.

Prepost analysis with continuous data using R - Part 1

I wrote a tutorial on how to perform simple prepost analysis using R, which is available on my RPubs page. It covers how to compare two differences (change in value before and after an interention) using independent t test and linear regression approaches. However, it doesn’t cover how to address correlation between two dependent values. Part 2 of prepost analysis will cover those issues.

Mediation analysis using R

It’s not uncommon to see covariates in a regression model that should not be there. For example, measurements that occur after the treatment assignment are included into a regression model as baseline covariates. Rather, one should consider a mediation analysis.

I wrote a tutorial on how to perform mediation analysis using R on my RPubs site (link).

I know that I make this mistake at times. This tutorial helped me to carefully consider which covariates to include in a regression model and which ones to consider for mediation analysis.

Survival Analysis - Immortal Time Bias with Stata

I wrote a tutorial on how to handle immortal time bias with survival analysis using Stata. In the tutorial, I used a time-varying predictor for the grouping variable and assigned the period before exposure to the control group. This was inspired by the paper Redelmeier and Singh wrote on “Surival in Academy Award-Winner Actors and Actresses.” There was a lot of debate about the rigor of their analyses, and Sylvestre and colleagues re-analyzed the data with immortal time bias in mind. This tutorial uses data from Sylvestre and colleagues to re-create their results.

The tutorial is on my RPubs page. Data used for the tutorial is located on my GitHub page.

To load the data, you can use the Stata import command

import delimited "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mbounthavong/Survival-analysis-and-immortal-time-bias/main/Data/data1.csv"

MEPS tutorials on linkage files and trend analysis

I create two MEPS tutorials recently. One is on the use of condition-event linkage files to capture the disease-specific costs. I used migraine as a motivating example. In this tutorial, I go through the steps to identify migraine-related costs assocaited with office-based visits and inpatient night stays. In the second tutorial, I review how to perform simple trend analysis with linear regressio models. I pooled MEPS data from 2016 to 2021 and apply the approriate primary sampling units and strata from the pooled file.

The first tutorial is located on my RPubs page (MEPS Tutorial 4 - Using condition-event link (CLNK) file: A case study with migraine). The R Markdown code to create the tutorial is located in my GitHub repository (link).

The second tutorial is also located on my Rpubs page (MEPS Tutorial 5 - Simple Trend Analysis with Linear Models). The R Markdown code to create the tutorial is located in my GitHub repository (link).

Sample size estimation using the odds ratio in a case-control study

I wrote a short tutorial on how to use an odds ratio to estimate the sample size needed for a case-control study.

The tutorial is located on my RPubs page (link)

The R Markdown source code is located on my GitHub site (link)

R tutorials on confounding/interaction and linear regression model - Updates

Last year, I created several tutorials on how to use R for identifying confounding/interaction and visualizing linear regression models. I updated these tutorials recently to address some errors and mistakes. They have received new hyperlinks:

R tutorial on confounding and interactions using the epitool and epiR packages is located on my RPubs page here. The R Markdown code is located on my GitHub page here.

R tutorial on linear regression model is located on my RPubs page here. The R Markdown code is located on my GitHub page here.