Data visualization

Communicating data effectively with data visualizations - Part 10 (Heat Maps)


A heat map is a data visualization tool that uses positioning and coloring to identify clusters and correlations in multivariable analysis. The most common type of heat map is a 2 x 2 matrix, where two variables are examined using the rows and columns (R x C) positions on a matrix. A heat map matrix helps us identify any patterns or similarities across the different dimensions. In a heat map, color is critical in denoting degrees of change. (Please see refer to the past blog on colors.)

For example, we can see the changes in opioid overdose rates across time for each state (Figure 1). As the rates increase, the cells are darker (indicated by the legend). All the states experience an increase in opioid overdose deaths, but State 1 is experiencing it faster than States 2 and 3.

In this tutorial, we will perform two methods to create heat maps. The first method will use the built in Excel conditional formatting rules and the second method will use VBA macros.

Figure 1. Heat map matrix.

Figure 1 - heatmap matrix.png


We will continue to use the state-level drug overdose mortality data from the CDC.

Mortality rate is presented as the number of deaths per 100,000 population.

In this tutorial, we will develop a heat map using opioid overdose mortality from 2013 to 2016.

The data setup in Excel has State indicators as the rows and time indicators as the columns. We are visualizing the change in opioid overdose mortality from 2013 to 2016 for each state. Figure 2 illustrates the data structure for the first seven states.


Figure 2. Data structure for the first seven states.  

Figure 2 - Data structure.png



Excel has a convenient tool that allow us to use conditional formatting to shade our heat map matrix.

Step 1: First highlight all the data.


Step 2: In the Excel Ribbon, select Conditional formatting and then New.

Figure 3 - conditional formatting.png

Step 3: Select “Format all cells based on their values” and change the Format Style to “3-Color scale.” Change the color to the different shades you are interested in using. (In this example, we used a blue base with varying degrees of shading.) Select percentile and then click “Ok.” The percentile will use the Median for each column to distinguish the middle category for the rates of opioid overdose mortality for each state.

Figure 4 - 3-color scale.png

Step 4: Visually inspect the results. If there are no apparent pattern in the heat map, we will need to sort the rate of opioid overdose mortality for 2016 in descending order.

Figure 4 - Descending order.png

The heat map should look like the following:

Figure 6 - heat map example 1.png

There is a pattern emerging in regards to the rate of opioid overdose mortality across the different states. West Virginia has the highest opioid overdose mortality rate in 2016, but they also appear to have the highest from 2013 to 2015. The dark cell in 2016 indicates that West Virginia has exceeded the 50 deaths per 1000 population incidence rate. Other states also have high rates of opioid overdose mortality across 2013 to 2016, which continued to increase. The 2013 column is clearly lighter indicating that the opioid overdose mortality has increased over time up to the available data in 2016.


Step 5: We can improve this heat map by removing the numbers, which can be distracting. We need to select all the data and format the cells. Select only the numeric data and then format the number. Use the “Custom” category and enter the following: "";"";"";"". This will change the number values so that it doesn’t show in the cells.

Figure 7 - change the number format.png

Step 6: Change the column width and row height so that you have a nice square-like matrix for the final result. We used a column width of 5 and a row height of 30. (Only the first fifteen states are shown.)

The heat map can be used to quickly identify states with the highest opioid overdose mortality and the trends across time. The states with the highest rates of opioid overdose mortality are clustered at the top while the states with the lowest rates are clustered at the bottom.

We could also arrange this into regions of the US to further stratify the results (not shown).



Excel only allows us to choose up to 3-Color scales. If we wanted to use more than 3 color categories, we will need to use VBA macros.

But before we do, we need to think about the colors for the scales. Since we have more than 3 categories, we will need to figure out how to divide the colors.



We will need to determine the base color for our heat map. In this example, we will use a blue base-color and change the shading using the RGB color values. RGB colors are based on a system using a combination of three base colors (red, green, and blue) that can be used to change the intensity of the color from a range between 0 and 250. An example of an RGC color table can be found in the following site.

For this example, we used the following RGB color values where dark-navy denotes high rates of opioid overdose mortality (50 or more per 1000 population). However, you can change the values of these colors however you like.

Figure color codes.png

We will continue to use the blue color base and change the gradient using the RGB values.



The VBA macro comes from the site Excel For Beginners and written by Kristoff deCunha. We used the VBA code on the site, but modified it for this tutorial.

The VBA code is written in a way where any changes in the values will automatically update the color of the cell. Additionally, the code also sorts the 2016 opioid overdose mortality rate in descending order, adds thin-white continuous borders around the cells, and changes the font to Times New Roman.

Here are the VBA macros used for Method 2.


Macro 1 changes the font to Times New Roman.

Sub ChangeFont()

Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Range("J1:N52")

With rng.Font
    .Name = "Times New Roman"
    .Size = 12
    .Strikethrough = False
    .Superscript = False
    .Subscript = False
    .OutlineFont = False
    .Shadow = False
    .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
    .ThemeColor = xlThemeColorLight1
    .TintAndShade = 0
    .ThemeFont = xlThemeFontNone
End With

End Sub


Macro 2 changes the cell shading to the 6-Color scale (blue-base)

Sub ChangeCellColor()

Dim rng As Range
Dim oCell As Range

Set rng = Range("K2:N52")

For Each oCell In rng
        Select Case oCell.Value
                 Case 50 To 100
                     oCell.Interior.Color = RGB(37, 54, 97)
                     oCell.Font.Bold = True
                     oCell.Font.Name = "Times New Roman"
                     oCell.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
                 Case 40 To 49.999
                     oCell.Interior.Color = RGB(56, 83, 145)
                     oCell.Font.Bold = True
                     oCell.Font.Name = "Times New Roman"
                     oCell.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
                 Case 30 To 39.999
                     oCell.Interior.Color = RGB(147, 168, 215)
                     oCell.Font.Bold = True
                     oCell.Font.Name = "Times New Roman"
                     oCell.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
                 Case 20 To 29.999
                     oCell.Interior.Color = RGB(183, 198, 228)
                     oCell.Font.Bold = True
                     oCell.Font.Name = "Times New Roman"
                     oCell.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
                 Case 10 To 19.999
                     oCell.Interior.Color = RGB(218, 225, 240)
                     oCell.Font.Bold = True
                     oCell.Font.Name = "Times New Roman"
                     oCell.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
                 Case 0 To 9.999
                     oCell.Interior.Color = RGB(230, 237, 253)
                     oCell.Font.Bold = True
                     oCell.Font.Name = "Times New Roman"
                     oCell.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
                  Case Else
                     oCell.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
         End Select
    Next oCell
End Sub


Macro 3 sorts the 2016 opioid overdose mortality rates in descending order.

Sub SortColumn()

Dim DataRange As Range
Dim keyRange As Range
Set DataRange = Range("J1:N52")
Set keyRange = Range("N1")
DataRange.Sort Key1:=keyRange, Order1:=xlDescending

End Sub


Macro 4 hides the font from the heat map.

Sub HideFont()
Dim rng As Range
Dim oCell As Range

Set rng = Range("K2:N52")

    For Each oCell In rng
        oCell.Font.Color = oCell.Interior.Color
    Next oCell
End Sub


Macro 5 creates thick white borders for each cell in the table.

Sub WhiteOutlineCells()

    Dim rng As Range

    Set rng = Range("J1:N52")

    With rng.Borders
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .Color = vbWhite
        .Weight = xlThick
    End With
End Sub


The five macros are assigned to a button in the Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook. Pressing the button will perform the task of creating a 6-Color scale heat map. Download the Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook here. This file will have the raw data and the macro-enabled worksheet for you to create a heat map.

Step 1: Copy the raw data from the “combined” worksheet.

Figure 9 - Copy Data.png

Step 2: Paste it in the worksheet “heatmap_2” starting on cell "J1".

Figure 10 - Copy onto J1.png

Step 3: Then press the “PressStart” button to run the macros. Your final heat map should look like the following:

Compare the heat map from Method 1 (3-Color scale) to the one generated by Method 2 (6-Color scale). The heat map with the 6-Color scale has a lighter pattern compared to the 3-Color scale heat map. The differences are dramatic. Depending on the granularity of the heat map you want, either one of these color scales would be fine. However, Method 2 requires some VBA coding.

* Not all states shown.



Heat maps allow us to observe patterns in the data. In our example, we notice that West Virginia has a high rate of opioid overdose mortality indicated by the clustering of dark cells from 2013 to 2016. Other states had similar patterns as West Virginia. Using heat maps provides a quick and easy interpretation of the changes in opioid overdose mortality across time and the states that are clustered together that have high rates of opioid overdose mortality.



I used the following websites to help develop this tutorial.

Conditional formatting with more than 3 categories:
Changing the RGB color codes:

Excel color palette library:

Excellent site for VBA coding:


Communicating data effectively with data visualizations - Part 9 (Cleveland Plots)


Visualizing change across two time points allows your audience to see the impact of a program’s impact. In a previous article, I demonstrated how you can use slope graphs to illustrate changes across two time points. However, there is a risk of the slope graphs becoming a tangled mess (or spaghetti plot) if too many comparisons are being made. An easier way to illustrated changes cross two time points for a large number of groups is with a Cleveland dot plot (or lollipop plot).

By using a horizontal line between two points arranged from most change to least change, your audience can quickly visualize the program’s impact and rank them according to the subject or group.



We will continue to use the state-level drug overdose mortality data from the CDC.

Mortality rate is presented as the number of deaths per 100,000 population.

In a previous tutorial, we only looked at eight different states. In this tutorial, we will illustrate a change in all 50 states onto a single plot using a Cleveland plot.

Here is the data setup in Excel:

Figure 1 - example data.png

The difference is calculated as the difference in mortality rates between 2016 and 2010.

In Excel, select the first two rows (State and 2016 rate) and generate a horizontal bar chart. Make sure to sort the order of the 2016 rate from least to greatest.

Figure 1 a - select horizontal bar.png

The horizontal bar chart should look like the following:

Figure 2 - bar chart of us states.png

After you created the horizontal bar plot, you will need to add error bars. Select the Design tab > Add Chart Elements > Error Bars > More Error Bars Options:

figure 3 - adding error bards.png

In the Format Error Bars options, make sure to check Minus under Directions, No Cap under End Style, and Custom under Error Amount:

figure 4 - error bars format.png

Click Specify Value and then select the differences column for the Negative Error Value:

figure 5 - select the error bar values.png

On the bar chart, select the bars and then under the Format

figure 6 - no fill selection.png

The horizontal bar chart should have the fill remove and the error bars present and should look like the following:

figure 7 - error bars with differences and no fill.png

Select the error bar and go to the Format Error Bars option. Under the Joint type select Round and under the Begin Arrow Size select the Oval Arrow. This will add a circle on the one end of the error bar.

figure 8 - error join type round.png

You can also increase the size of the Oval Arrow by selecting a larger size from the Begin Arrow Size drop down.


After selecting the Oval Arrow for the Join Type and the Begin Arrow Type, your chart should look like the following:

figure 9 - error bars with rounded caps.png

The next steps will require you to add a second data series. Right-click on the chart area and select the 2010 mortality rates.

figure 10 - adding a series.png

After selecting the data, make sure to map the Horizontal Axis Labels to the corresponding states.

figure 10a - adding a series p2.png

Your chart should now include the second data series (2010 mortality rates) as horizontal bars.

figure 11 - data series2.png

In the next steps, you will add error bars to the 2010 mortality horizontal bars (similar to the error bars for the 2010 mortality rates data). Instead of adding error bars for the Minus, you will add error bars for the Plus.

figure 12 - horizontal bars series 2.png

Similar to the 2016 mortality rates data, you will remove the horizontal bars by selecting No fill and then setting the Series Overlap to 100%

figure 13 - series overlap.png

Select the error bars and then change the Begin Arrow Type to Oval and increase the size.

figure 14 - oval type series2.png

Your chart should now include two dots with lines between them for each state.

figure 15 - second dots are visitble.png

After a few more adjustments to the dot size and colors, the final Cleveland plot can look like the following:

Figure 1. Cleveland plot comparing the drug overdose mortality rates between 2010 and 2016.

figure 17 - final figure.png

The dots give us a good illustration of the magnitude of change in the drug overdose mortality rates between 2010 and 2016. Additionally, using the colored fonts help to map the drug overdose mortality values with the dots. For example, West Virginia had the highest drug overdose mortality rate in 2016 (blue dot) and a large increase in drug overdose mortality rates between 2010 (red dot) to 2016. Nebraska has the lowest drug overdose mortality rate in 2016 (blue dot) among the states, which was lower than in 2010 (red dot).



Cleveland plots can illustrate the change in drug overdose mortality rates between two time points for multiple groups without cluttering the chart space. Unlike slope graphs which can be difficult to distinguish between states, the Cleveland plot separates each state into their own rows allowing for a simple estimation of change across two time points. Moreover, it is also easier to see the magnitude in change in between 2010 and 2016. We recommend using Cleveland plots when you have a lot of groups (e.g., states) with an outcome that changes across two time points (2010 and 2016).



I used the following websites to help develop this tutorial.


The following video provides step-by-step instructions in making a horizontal lollipop chart:


The following website provides examples of lollipop charts:



Communicating data effectively with data visualizations - Part 8 (Slope graphs)


Suppose you wanted to show a change across two periods in time for several groups. How would you do that? One of the best data visualizations for this is the slope graph. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to create a slope graph in Excel and highlight a state using contrasting colors.



We will use the state-level drug overdose mortality data from the CDC.

Here is a sample of set of data from the CDC:

figure 1.png

Each value is a rate for the number of deaths per 100,000 population.


In Excel, select the three columns (State, 2010 rate, and 2016 rate).

figure 2.png

Go to Insert Chart and select Line with Markers.

figure 3.png

The chart should look like the following:

figure 4.png

Right-click anywhere on the chart and click Select Date and then click on the Switch Row/Column.

figure 5.png

The Y and X axes should switch places and the chart should look like the following:

figure 6.png

Delete the Chart title, legend, and Y-axis.


Right-click on the X-axis and select Format Axis. Then select “On tick marks.”

figure 7.png

This will move the lines to the edges of the chart.

figure 8.png

Now, we want to add labels to the ends of each line. Right click on one of the lines and select Add Data Labels. Then select the left data label and format it according to the following guide:

figure 9.png

Do the same thing for the right label, but make sure to use the right label position. Bring both ends of the chart closer to the middle to give your data labels room to expand (otherwise, the state will stack on top of the value, which you do not want). The chart should look like the following:

figure 10.png

Finally, you can format the figure using different colors and removing the excess gridlines. Try to experiment with different shades of color to generate the desired effect. In our example, we wanted to highlight West Virginia from the rest of the other states.


Here is what the slope graph looks like after some tweaking and adjustments:

figure 11.png

In the above slope graph, West Virginia was highlighted using a cranberry color to give it a greater contrast to the lighter grey of the other states. You could use this method to highlight other states of interest such as New Hampshire or the District of Columbia, which had greater percentage increases between 2010 and 2016.


In the final slope graph, we highlight West Virginia and New Hampshire in different colors to distinguish them from the other states.

figure 12.png


Using slope graphs can show simple trends across two periods in time. More complex slope graphs can have multiple time points and more states. In our simple example, we highlight the key steps to generate a slope graph in Excel. Using colors to highlight certain states can make a simple slope graph more visually appealing and assist the eyes in identifying the states that are important according to the data.



Knaflic, CN. Storytelling with Data. 2015. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

Communicating data effectively with data visualizations - Part 7 (Using Small Multiples or Panel Charts in Excel)


It can be challenging when you’re trying to visualize many different groups using the same metric repeatedly. Initially, you may want to do this with a single figure, but this is too crowded and prevents you from seeing the differences across the groups. Alternatively, you can separate and visualize the groups individually without compromising the space or size of the figure. In this article, we will discuss the use of small multiples or panel charts in Excel. This will make it easier for the eyes to see the differences while presenting a large number of data.



I have created a data set that contains the average temperature (degrees F) across four quarters for eight states in the United States. These temperatures were generated using a random number generator.

The data has the following structure:

Figure 1.png

Using this data, we can generate a single plot that contains all the states and their average temperature for each quarter.

Figure 2.png

There are several issues with this plot. First, there is so much clutter, it is difficult to discern which states are increasing or decreasing over time. Second, the colors, despite being different, seem to mix in too much like spaghetti. In fact, this is commonly called a “spaghetti” plot.[1]

To avoid this cluster of tangled lines, it is best to view these lines separately in small multiples. We can apply the principle of small multiples into an 8 by 1 matrix (8 rows and 1 column of data). 

Figure 3.png

By separating each state into its own separate line, we can identify which states had temperatures that increased across time. From this figure, we can see that Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, and Kansas have temperatures that increased from Q1 to Q4. However, the magnitude in the change for Kansas looks similar to Alaska (absolute difference of 37 degrees F and 76 degrees F, respectively). Despite using the same Y-axis, the compressed scale gives the illusion that all the changes were similar in magnitude, which they were not.

We can improve upon this figure by furthering the use of small multiples. Tufte argues that small multiples can present a large amount of comparisons through repeated panels.[2] With this in mind, we can take the above figure and separate each state into a 2 by 4 matrix.

Figure 4.png

This is vastly improved. We can see trajectory for each state across the quarters. For example, we can clearly see that Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, and Kansas have temperatures that were increasing steadily across time. However, large fluctuations in temperatures were observed for New Jersey, New York, and Oklahoma. Only California appears to have a steady trend in the temperature across time.

The panel chart has equal sized boxes with temperature scales that are identical. This allowed our eyes to make quick comparisons between the states. Moreover, we can also identify the trends much more easily that in the “spaghetti” plot.



To generate the above panel chart, we will use the randomly generate temperature dataset, which can be downloaded from here.

An important element of the dataset is the column called “strata.” This column will allow us to generate a staggered line plot separated by the strata.

The following figure illustrates the different variable names including the strata column.

Figure 5.png

Notice how the strata column alternates between 1 and 2? This will be used to separate the temperatures of each state into clusters. In other words, we will cluster the temperature from Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4 for each state.

Once you’ve reviewed the data, select all the data and then use the pivot table feature to insert the new table onto a different worksheet.

Figure 6.png

Excel will automatically create a new worksheet with a blank pivot table work space. You can use this work space to generate different tables using the powerful pivot table features.

Figure 7.png

We will use the pivot table builder to generate the table we need for the panel chart. After you insert the pivot table into a new worksheet, move the State variable into the Row box followed by the Quarter variable. (This is denoted by A.) Move the Temperature variable into the Values box. (This is denoted by B.) Then move the Strata variable into the Columns box. (This is denoted by C.) Review your work with the following figure below.

Figure 8.png

Once you set up you pivot table, you should notice that the temperature values are staggered between the states. This is important for when you construct the line graphs for the panel charts.

Next, we will remove the Grand Total column. This isn’t important for us, so let’s right click the cell that contains the column header Grand Total and select Hide.

Figure 9.png

Then click on the Design tab on the ribbon and select Report Layout > Show in Tabular Form. This will change the design of the default pivot table.

Figure 10.png

Next, we are going to remove the total rows for each state. Right click on the first state (Alabama) and select Hide. You should notice that the total row for each state is now hidden. This updated pivot table design will make it easier to create panel charts.

Figure 11.png

You pivot table should look like the following:

Figure 12.png

Copy and paste this table and its values onto a blank section of the worksheet. Then highlight the data for the first four states and insert a line chart.

Figure 13.png

You will see the trend lines for the four states, which will be separated by the different time periods.

Figure 14.png

There are two colors for the alternating states. Change this to a single color (e.g. Blue). Then remove the gridlines, chart title, and the legend. The chart should look like the following:

Figure 15.png

The next part will be to include line partitions between each state, which will allow the eye to distinguish each line as separate trends for the states.

We will need to create a new dataset for the line partitions. To do that, count the number of time periods for one of the states (the time periods should be equivalent for all the states. In our case, there are four quarters for each state). In between Q4 and Q1, there is a gap. If you take all the quarters from Q1 and Q4 for Alabama to California, there are a total of 16 intervals. In between interval 4 and 5 is where we want to put first line partition. Interval 8 to 9 is where we want to put the second line partition, etc. For this example, the dataset should look like the following:

Figure 16.png

Select the chart and click on the Chart Design tab and click on Select Data.

Figure 17.png

The Select Data Source window will appear and list the previous data already used to generate the trend lines for each state. We will add a new dataset (A) and select the Y values from the dataset that was generated for the partitions (B). 

Figure 18.png

This will create a line at the bottom of the chart area.

Figure 19.png

Right click on the line (A) and select Change Chart Type > X Y (Scatter) > Scatter (B).

Figure 20.png

Right click on the scatter and go to Format Data Series > Series Options > Plot Series On > Secondary Axis.

Figure 21.png

Select the Y-axis on the right side of the chart (A).

Figure 22.png

Then go to Format Axis > Axis Options and set the Maximum to 1.0.

Figure 23.png

Next, we will align the scatter points into the correct partition. Right click on the chart area and click on Select Data. Select Series 3 and go to the X values box. In the X values box, select the data in the Partition column.

Figure 24.png

The scatter points appear to be in the correct location. The next steps will involve including error bars for the partition lines and formatting.

Figure 25.png

Click on scatter points and select Chart Design in the Ribbon. Click on the Add Chart Element and select Error Bars > More Error Bars Options….

Figure 26.png

Format the error bars and remove the cap. Depending on where the scatter points are, you want to choose error bars that will cover the empty region. In our example, the scatter points are at the top, so having the “Minus” or “Both” direction options will work for us. We will leave it at “Both” for this example.

Figure 27.png

Click on the horizontal error bars and delete them.

Figure 28.png

Click on the scatter point and go to the Format Data Series. Go to the Fill & Line > Marker Options > None.

Figure 29.png

The chart should look like the following:

Figure 30.png

The remainder of this tutorial will be to make this aesthetically appealing.

We want to hide the secondary Y-axis, which can be done by hiding the line and change the font color to match the background. Then we want to change the size of the chart using the Chart Options.

Figure 31.png

We also changed the font to Helvetica (native to Apple products), resized the chart boxes, included a Vertical Y-title bar for the temperature axis, added a mean Temperature band using 60% transparency, change the color of the vertical error bars to a lighter gray, changed font size on the Y-axis, and moved the X-axis labels to the top. We repeated these steps for the final four states and carefully placed it below the first four states, using the grid to assist with alignment.

The final panel chart:

Figure 32.png



When you encounter a data set that can be separated into smaller graphics, consider using the small multiple principle or panel charts approach. It requires a little more work, but the results can provide a narrative that is easy to visualize and interpret. In our example, we start to notice different trends using different approaches to the small multiple principle. It’s best to experiment which ones work best for your needs. Here are some examples of small multiples that may inspire you: link1 and link2.



1. Knaflic CN. Strategies for avoiding the spaghetti graph. Storytelling with data. Published March 14, 2013. Accessed May 16, 2018.

2. Tufte ER. The Visual Display of Quantitative Information. Second. Cheshire, CT: Graphics Press, LLC.; 2001.

Communicating data effectively with data visualizations - Part 6 (Tornado diagram)


Suppose you had some results and you were interested in whether or not these findings were sensitive to change. You can illustrate these effects using a tornado diagram, which uses bar charts to compare the change from the original findings. In other words, tornado diagrams are useful to illustrate a sensitivity analysis.

In this tutorial, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to graph a tornado diagram from a sensitivity analysis.



Imagine that you are planning a vacation, and you allocated $6,000 for the trip. You perform some cost estimates and find a vacation package that costs $5,050, which is within your budget. But then you see some deals and some extra luxuries that you want to add to your current vacation package. Some of these will change the cost of your original cost estimates. In order to see which of these additional deals or luxuries would impact your cost estimates, you decide to perform a one-way sensitivity analysis. That is, you change the cost of one variable at a time to see how it effects your original cost estimates (e.g., base-case).

Table 1 summarizes your base-case vacation costs and the possible changes due to the additions of deals and luxuries.

Table 1.png

The “Low input” or “deals” reduce the total cost of your vacation. The “High input” or luxuries increase the cost of your vacation.

You want to visualize if any of these adjustments will change your original cost estimates (e.g., $5,050).



A tornado diagram can be used to visualize these additional changes to the variables.

Step 1: Open Excel and insert a clustered bar chart

Figure 1.png

Step 2: Enter data for the “Low input”

Right-click on the empty chart area and select “Name” and enter “Low input.” Then in the “Y values:” box, select all the values in the “Low result” column of your table. In the Horizontal (Category) axis labels:” highlight the variable names under the “Base-case results” column. The figure below illustrates the correct selections for each input box.

Figure 2.png

Step 3: Enter data for the “High input”

Repeat same steps for the “High input” data range.

Figure 3.png

Step 4: Center the axis at the estimated cost

Right-click on the X-axis and go to the Format Axis > Vertical Axis Crosses > Axis Value and enter “5050.” This will center the axis at the estimated cost of $5,050.

Figure 4.png

Step 5: Move the variable names to the left side of the plot

After centering the axis on the estimate cost of $5,050, you can start to see the beginnings of a tornado diagram. However, the variable names are in the way. To relocate these, Right-click on the Y-axis and select the Axis Options > Interval Between Labels and select “Low.” This will move the variable names to the left side so that it doesn’t interfere with the bars in the middle of the chart.

Figure 5.png

Step 6: Align the bars so that they are next to each other

The bars are not aligned with each other. You can align them using the series overlap option. Right-click on one of the bars and go to Series Options > Plot Series On and enter 100 on the “Series Overlap” widget. After you press Enter, the bars should be aligned with each other.

Figure 6.png

Step 7: Sort and change fonts

To complete the tornado diagram, you can sort the bars so that the largest change is at the top and the smallest change is at the bottom (looks like a tornado). Right-click on the Y-axis and got to Format Axis > Axis Options > Axis Position and check the box “Categories in reverse order.” This will order your diagram to look more like a tornado.

Figure 7.png

Step 8: Final changes and edits

The last steps improve the aesthetics. Changing the fonts and colors can improve the tornado diagram.

Figure 8.png


The tornado diagram tells us that paying for an additional “luxury” for the cost of the flight will exceed our budget of $6,000 (indicated by dotted red line). As a result, we will not spend extra capital to upgrade our seats! However, we can splurge a little when it comes to other elements of our trip (e.g., expensive meals, luxury vehicle rental, or additional excursions).



I used the following guide developed by Excel Champs to develop this this blog.

 Note: Updated on 11 July 2022

Communicating data effectively with data visualizations - Part 5 (Colors)


As we decide the type of chart we want to visualize our data with, we should also think about our color scheme. Color should represent the data value. We should be able to see a chart, identify the color that interests us and associate a value with it. However, it is easy to misidentify the data that the color is supposed to represent and it is also easy to confuse the magnitude of the difference between groups.

In this tutorial, we will discuss some basic elements of color theory that will help you to select the best color palette for your graphical presentations. We will use the following simple data and color schemes to illustrate some of these lessons (Figure 1). The X column denotes some arbitrary category that uses the alphabet and the Y column denotes the values associated with each category.

Figure 1. Example data used to illustrate the different color schemes.

table example.png

Figure 2. Color schemes used in this example (single-hue color and rainbow color schemes).

color hues.png


Bias-Precision Tradeoff

There is always a tradeoff between bias and precision. Bias is associated with the ability to accurately identify the data value associated with the color. Precision is associated with the ability to correctly identify the data with little variation. Figure 3 illustrates the differences between the two.


Figure 3. Bias and Precision tradeoff.

Figure 3. Bias-precision tradeoff.png

For example, if you had a single-hue progression color scheme (blue), it is easy to identify the color that contains the higher value versus the color that contains the lower value. In Figure 4A, the darker shade of blue is associated with a higher value compared to the lighter shade of blue. However, it may not be easy when you have a rainbow color scheme because the values can be arbitrarily associated with a different color (Figure 4B). In other words, Figure 4A helps to reduce the bias while Figure 4B can generate a lot of bias.


Figure 4. Comparison between single hue color scheme and rainbow color scheme.

Additionally, Figure 4B is easier to distinguish between the groups. You can easily identify Group F compared to Group E because the colors are distinctly differentiable. However, in Figure 4A, it is very difficult to distinguish between Group F and Group E because the shades of blue associated with both groups appear similar. Therefore, the ability to precisely detect the differences in the groups is limited by the single-hue color scheme (Figure 4A) compared to the rainbow color scheme (Figure 4B).

Another way to look at these principles is to think about the concurrence between the true value and the estimated value. Suppose you were given these color schemes and asked to estimate the correct value. How do you think you’ll do? Would it be easier to estimate the true value from the single-hue color scheme or the rainbow color scheme?


Figure 5. Performance of color schemes according to estimated and true values.

I generated data in Figure 5 to illustrate the principles in this tutorial. Figure 5 compares performance between the single-hue color scheme and rainbow color scheme. Figure 5A has low bias but some scatter (moderate precision) across the gray line, which denotes the 1:1 accuracy between true and estimated values. However, Figure 5B has high bias but very little scatter (high precision) due to the easy identification of the groups. Whereas, there was some uncertainty in correctly identifying the true value within each group.



When deciding on the color scheme for your data, take into consideration what is more important. Is it critical that your audience precisely distinguish one group from another? Or is it more important to have them visually identify the correct value associated with the color? Ideally, you want to be able to use a color scheme that has low bias and high precision, but in reality, you will need to make a tradeoff between the two.



I used the following references to develop this tutorial.

Liu Y, Heer J. Somewhere over the rainbow: An empirical assessment of quantitative colormaps. ACM Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) 2018, April 21-26, 2018, Montreal, QC, Canada.

Cromwell W. Colour schemes in data visualisation: Bias and Precision. Presented at the useR! 2016 international R User conference, June 15, 2017. URL:

Communicating data effectively with data visualization - Part 4 (Time series)


An important element of data visualization is to tell a story. To do that, we should have the end in mind. Namely, what is it you want to share with your audience?

Often, time series data can do this using some clever data visualization. Typically, this is presented on an XY plane where time is presented on the X-axis and the value of interest is presented on the Y-axis. We will not go into time series analysis, which involves a lot more than just plotting the data. However, we will go over the proper way in which to present your time series data visually.


Motivating example

We will use data from the National Health Expenditure Account (NHEA), which contains historical data on health expenditures in the U.S. from 1960 to 2016. The costs presented by the NHEA are properly adjusted for inflation. You can find the data at this link:


Time series data

To visualize time series data, it is best to have increments of time that are equally spaced in the X-axis. We use Excel to illustrate these examples. Figure 1 illustrates the annual interval of national health expenditures ($ billions) in the United States from 1960 to 2016. The outcome (national health expenditure) is on the Y-axis and time (year) is on the X-axis. Notice that each time increment is one year and evenly spaced across the X-axis. This allows the eyes to intuitively see the changes across time in the U.S. national health expenditure.

Figure 1. National Healthcare Expenditure in the United States, 1960 to 2016.

Figure 1.png

What if the story is to see highlight health expenditures in the last decade? How would we do this?

First, we can use the same data and restrict the X-axis to 2007 to 2016 as in Figure 2.


Figure 2. National Health Expenditures in the United States, 2007 to 2016.

Screen Shot 2018-01-24 at 6.02.04 PM.png

Figure 2 doesn’t seem interesting. There is an increase in health expenditures from 2007 to 2016, but this doesn’t seem significant. However, there is a 45% increase from 2007 to 2016 in health expenditures ($2,295 billion to $3,337 billion). Figure 2 doesn’t convey this increase because there is a lot of white space between the lowest health expenditure value in 2007 and $0.

One way to illustrate the large increase in health expenditure is to truncate the Y-axis. In previous articles, we stressed that truncated axis can distort and trick the mind into seeing large differences where they don’t exist. However, this same technique can be used to make sure that differences that exist are not misinterpreted as not visually significant. According to Tufte:

In general, in a time-series, use a baseline that shows the data not the zero point. If the zero point reasonably occurs in plotting the data, fine. But don't spend a lot of empty vertical space trying to reach down to the zero point at the cost of hiding what is going on in the data line itself.[1]

In other words, time series data should focus on the area of the timeline that is interesting. The graphic should eliminate the white space and show the data horizontally for time series visuals.

Eliminating the white space and identifying the baseline value as $2,200 billion instead of $0 changes the figure as illustrated in Figure 3.


Figure 3. National Health Expenditures in the United States, 2007 to 2016.

Figure 3.png

Figure 3 illustrates the increase in national expenditure in the last decade better than Figure 2 and maintains the narrative that there was a visually significant increase.

Putting these concepts together (along with Tufte’s other principles), we can generate a similar figure using R (Figure 4). The R code is listed below.

# Plot trend - without truncation
       xlab=list(label="Year", cex=1.25),
       ylab=list(label="National Health Expenditures ($ Billions)", cex=1.25),
       main=list(lable="National Health Expenditure (2007 to 2016)", cex=2),
       par.settings = list(axis.line = list(col="transparent")),
       panel = function(x, y,...) { 
          panel.xyplot(x, y, col="darkblue", pch=16, cex=2, type="o")
          panel.rug(x, y, col=1, x.units = rep("snpc", 2), y.units = rep("snpc", 2), ...)})

Figure 4. National Health Expenditures in the United States, 2007 to 2016.

Figure 4 (darkblue).png

Figure 4 incorporates the use of Tufte’s principles on data-ink ratio and truncation on the y-axis to highlight the change in National Health Expenditure between 2006 go 2017.



With time series data, truncating the Y-axis to eliminate white space and show the data horizontally is appropriate when telling the story of what’s happening across time. Using zero as the baseline for the Y-axis is appropriate if it is reasonable. However, do not compromise the story by having the Y-axis extend all the way to zero if it doesn’t tell the story properly. Knowing when and how to truncate the Y-axis will help you explain to your audience the significance of a change across a specific period in time.



1. Edward Tufte forum: baseline for amount scale [Internet]. [cited 2018 Jan 14];Available from:

Communicating data effectively with data visualization – Part 3 (Truncated Axis and Area as Quantity)


Data visualization is a powerful tool that allows us to use data to tell an engaging story. The narrative we present is enhanced by our data, especially when it is easily accessible and intuitive to understand. This is evident by the large amount of data visualization tools and galleries available throughout the internet. For example, Tableau Software hosts a data viz gallery that allows users to post their creations using their software. However, for most users, Microsoft Excel is the first tool they are exposed to when it comes to developing data visualizations for their business, school, and social projects.

Creating data visualization has its caveats. Improper data visualization can mislead, distort, and “lie,” which can result in poor decisions, loss of profit, and regret. In this blog, we will explore two of the most common distortion techniques that violate Tufte’s principles of graphical integrity: Truncated Axis and Area as Quantity.[1]


Motivating example

We will use data from the Medical Expenditures Panel Survey, which is a large-scale survey of households on health care resource use and spending in the United States. We will compare insurance status (Private, Public, Uninsured) between genders, which is summarized in Table 1. We will use Microsoft Excel to generate all our examples.

Table 1.png



Data visualization has opened the door to increased misrepresentation of numbers. Interest groups and advocates will distort the data visualization to try and mislead or convince their audience of their arguments or narrative. Such techniques include using truncating axes and disproportionate sizes.

Let’s compare the difference in the proportion of males with public insurance to females with public insurance. In Figure 1, a bar chart is used to compare the proportion of males and females with access to public insurance. In Panel A, a truncated y-axis is used to distort the difference in the proportion of males and females with public insurance. The absolute difference is approximately 4%. However, Panel B, which uses a non-truncated y-axis, the perceived difference is not as great as that appearing in Panel A, despite having an absolute difference of 4%. Our mind perceives Panel A as having a greater difference; however, Panel B shows the same absolute difference of 4%, but does not illicit the same perception. This is supported by a study performed by Pandey and colleagues who reported that respondents rated the truncated bar chart as having a greater difference than the non-truncated bar chart.[2] It is our recommendation that a non-truncated y-axis is used when presenting data as a bar chart.

Figure 1. Comparisons of bar charts using a truncated y-axis (A) and a full y-axis (B).

Figure 1.png

Another distortion technique uses disproportionate sizes or “Area and Quantity” method. With this distortion, the values or quantitative data is not proportional to the area that represents it. Tufte argues that “the representation of numbers, as physically measured on the surface of the graph itself, should be directly proportional to the numerical quantities represented.”[1] In order words, the area used to represent the values or quantitative data should not be grossly exaggerated. Figure 2 illustrates how this principle is violated.

Figure 2. Proportion of males and females with public insurance using improper Area as Quantity.

Figure 2.png


In Figure 2, 27% of males have public insurance versus 31% of females. In terms of relative difference, females have a 15% greater proportion with public insurance compared to males per the equation: .

However, the area in Figure 2 has females with an area that is 96% greater than males, which is not reflective of the relative difference of 15%.

Figure 3 illustrates the correct Area as Quantity that reflect the relative difference between males and females with public insurance. We estimated the area of the circle for males and females and properly adjusted the sizes to reflect their relative differences. Now, the relative difference is not as great as previously illustrated. Instead, we have an accurate representation of the relative difference in having public insurance between males and females. We recommend estimated the area of a shape to reflect the relative difference between the groups with these types of data visualizations.

Figure 3. Proportion of males and females with public insurance using the proper Area as Quantity.

Figure 3.png


Distortions can mislead or convince an audience of a narrative that do not reflect the actual data. Developing data visualization that provides empirical support for your narrative should be accurate and honest. Fortunately, innocent mistakes like the examples above are easy to correct, especially when using programs like Microsoft Excel.



We calculated the area of the circle using Archimedes method where Area = pr^2 where p is the constant (p=3.14) and r is the radius of the circle.



1. Tufte ER. The Visual Display of Quantitative Information. Second. Cheshire, CT: Graphics Press, LLC.; 2001.

2. Pandey AV, Rall K, Satterthwaite ML, Nov O, Bertini E. How Deceptive Are Deceptive Visualizations?: An Empirical Analysis of Common Distortion Techniques [Internet]. In: Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New York, NY, USA: ACM; 2015. p. 1469–1478.Available from:





Communicating data effectively with data visualizations - Part 1 (Principles of Data Viz)


Data visualization is a form of visual communication that takes quantitative information and displays it as a graphic, an abstraction of the real world. Effective data communication makes complex statistical analysis accessible without excessive mental burden. It is also used to identify patterns through data exploration. Unlike information visualization which includes catch-phrases such as “Infoviz” and “Infographics,” data visualization is intuitive, informative, and “pretty” while simultaneously focused on scientifically structured comparisons, analytic precision, and statistical inference. The challenge is compressing all the quantitative information into a single chart or graphic that provides a narrative or purpose that can be synthesized and acted on with very little mental effort.

There are a variety of data visualizations that can be used such as choropleths, heatmaps, scatter plots, and dot plots (this list is not all inclusive). The selection is dependent on the data, audience, and narrative. How complex is the analysis? Who are you presenting this information to? Why should the audience care?

The best way to present data effectively is with a good story. Your graphic should be able to tell a story based on the quantitative information. Every graphic you create should be a self-contained narrative of the data. This can be achieved using simple tools, but the creation of effective data visualization depends more on your ability to tell a good story. The purpose of this article is to highlight some important principles of data visualization, review common data visualizations, and develop a mechanism to select the most effective data visualization.

Principles of data visualization

Data visualization can be traced to several different schools of thought (e.g., Edward Tufte and William S. Cleveland), but the fundamental principles are similar and often overlap. Edward Tufte identified several key principles when developing data visualizations (Table 1).

Table 1. Tufte's principles for graphical integrity. *



Avoid chart junk

Inventive displays seldom generate interest. Rather, they generate visual noise.


Data-ink ratio

Use ink to show the data. Ink that does not contribute to the reporting of the data should be removed.


Numbers should be directly proportional to the numerical quantities represented

The "Lie Factor" is a proportion of the Size of the effect shown in the graphing / Size of the effect in the data. The graphic should not inflate the actual magnitude of the change.


Use small multiples and repeat

High quality information graphic portrays many numbers per square inch. Small multiple, comparative images work especially well for this. Examples include sparklines.


Avoid graphical distortions and ambiguity

Avoid distortions of numbers by graphic devices. Show data variation in context, and label them. Write out explanation of the data on the graphic itself. Properly label events in the data.



Information layers and architecture emerge best when data display elements serve multiple functions. Different readings at different levels of detail (micro-macro) serve this goal well. For example, the y-axis can be used to provide scale while calling out to important values by either coloring that value differently or enlarging it.


Show data variation, not design variation

Use scales that are similar and do not generate ambiguity. Be consistent in the data when displaying them as a graphic.


In time-series displays of money, deflated and standardized units of monetary measurement are nearly always better than nominal units

Properly adjust current due to inflation or population growth. We want to the currency in real purchasing power (value) rather than nominal purchasing power.


The number of information-carrying (variable) dimensions depicted should not exceed the number of dimensions in the data

Using graphics to show the proportional change of a metric can bias our perception due to the number of dimensions that are changing. If we look at a single metric such as budget, then we are only looking at a one-dimensional scale, meaning that when the budget increase, it only changes in one dimension. However, it is easy to use a display such as a 2-dimensional picture and scale it up according to the one-dimensional scale. For example, if we have a 2-dimensional graphic and we scale it according to an increase on a one-dimensional metric, the actual proportional increase in 4 times (2^2 = 4). If this was a 3-dimensional object, then the proportional increase in 8 (2^3 = 8).


Graphics must not quote data out of context

An accurate picture must report the totality of the effect. Showing only one piece of the data with graphics is just as bad as the data. Context is critical. In time-series analysis, it is imperative that the researcher provides an illustration of the overall trend including any changes in seasonality. Therefore, apply rational judgement when presenting data visualization. The use of comparison groups helps to answer any secular impacts that may not be captured when looking at data at a single point in time.


* From Tufte ER. (2001) The Visual Display of Quantitative Information. Second Edition. Cheshire, CT. Graphics Press, LLC.

** This table provides fundamental principles on graphical integrity and data graphics and is not all inclusive.

Figure 1. Box plots of MLB wins in the 2017 season. [click to enlarge]

Dot plots are simple graphics that use points (filled in circles) instead of line or bars on a simple scale. They convey the same information as bar charts, but use less ink to do so. The advantage they provide is that they reduce the junk of the bar charts which contain useless space that are uninformative. In Figure 2a, the dot plot provides the same information from the previous bar charts; however, there is a better sense of scale with the removal of the clutter introduced by the bar charts. Like the bar charts, use pastel colors to dampen the effect of the teams that are not the focus of the chart and use solid colors to bring out the teams with the most and least wins (Figure 2b). The minor grid lines do not provide any information about the data and should be removed (Figure 2c). Finally, Figure 2d takes the dot plots and use data values to provide the audience with the actual number of wins. This is also reinforced by the pastel and solid colors, which provide good contrast between the teams that have the most and least wins.

Figure 2. Dot plots of MLB wins in the 2017 season. [click to enlarge]

Line plots are graphics that use lines to illustrate a trend. A line plot would not be appropriate for the baseball wins example because the x-axis does not have any continuous scale, which is needed for line plots. Table 2 provides data on MLB players’ batting averages from 2013 to 2017. The table provides us with information across five years, but the order and rankings are difficult to determine.

Table 2. Batting averages of Major League Baseball players (2013-2017).







Yasiel Puig






Justin Turner






Michael Trout






Ichiro Suzuki






The table doesn’t do a good job illustrating the trends over time. Instead, it is a good reference that is searchable. When it comes to visually telling a story, the table doesn’t do a good job. Converting this table to several line plots can help illustrate the changes in each players’ batting averages over time. Figure 3a trends each player’s batting averages, but the clutter makes it difficult to identify any important patterns. For graphics that use a time interval (or continuous interval) on the x-axis, it is useful to truncate the y-axis to see any incremental changes in the trend.

Figure 3b truncates the batting average from 0 to 0.360 to 0.200 to 0.360. Now the changes in batting average is more discernable from this truncated y-axis. It’s clear that Yasiel Puig’s batting average declined from 2013, but Justin Turner’s batting average improved. However, this still feels cluttered. The different lines and colors make it hard tell that Justin Turner was improving. In fact, it seems like all the players except for Yasiel Puig were improving. To make sense of the clutter, let’s assume that we were interested in the player who had the most improvement from 2013. Calculating the percent change between 2013 and 2017 and then putting it on the graphic provides us with some metric to distinguish Justin Turner from the rest of the other players.

Figure 3c adds the percent change in batting averages from 2013 to 2017 with the player’s name. The legend was removed because it didn’t contribute much to the graphic once the names were adjacent to each line. Despite these modifications, it’s not easy to distinguish the improvement in batting averages for Justin Turner. There are too many competing colors, which distract the focus from Justin Turner’s improvement.

Figure 3d dampens the non-critical lines using a single pastel color and matching the to the trend lines, which highlights Justin Turner’s trend line, the only one with color. This technique draws your attention to Justin Turner’s trend while providing details about the change in trend and the player associated with that change.

Figure 3. Line plots of MLB players’ batting averages (2013-2017). [click to enlarge]


So far, basic principles and examples of data visualization were presented in this article, which is part of an on-going series on data visualization. Since this is a primer on data visualizations, you should review existing graphics and try to apply some of these principles. Web-based data visualizations are prevalent and can be found in places such as the R-Shiny gallery and Tableau gallery. As you start to explore different data visualizations, you’ll discover many creative and useful tools. Next issue, we’ll discuss other data visualization graphics that will reflect the Tufte’s principles for graphical integrity and excellence.


Tufte ER. (2001) The Visual Display of Quantitative Information. Second Edition. Cheshire, CT. Graphics Press, LLC.

Knaflic CN. (2015) Storytelling with Data: A Data Visualization Guide for Business Professionals. Hoboken, New York. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.